Monday, September 23, 2013


I watched a video on cnn about two men getting arrested because of a picture posted on Instagram by a celebrity. Rihanna was on vacation in Phuket and took a picture with a loris which is endangered. Two men got in trouble because they brought the animal out for tourists to take pictures. It is illegal to charge tourists to take pictures with endangered primates. Once she posted the picture the secret was out and the men were caught.

I think that the entire situation is a little comical. I don't think it is a big deal just to take a picture with the loris. The thing I find funny is I don't know if they even knew she was famous or considered the picture would most likely go viral. I think that the men who brought the loris out shouldn't be in too much trouble because it isn't life or death, but they deserved whatever they got. Karma came back to them in a pretty humiliating way.


I watched a video on cnn that was about how crazy people are about technology. The new iPhones came out and there were people waiting in lines for hours to get it on the first day. The video made points that people are too into their devices, like the fact that Jesus could be back to talk and everyone would just be on twitter like "Jesus is here OMG". There were fights that broke out, as well as people trading 2,000 dollar purses for better spots in line. There's interviewed many people and one man said he has only had his last iPhone for two months but needed to get the new one. 

I think that it is insane how attached people are to their phones. I don't even have a smartphone, there is no reason to go out and wait in like for hours just to get an updated version with slight differences. People are so absorbed in the idea of new is better that they don't realize they are wasting money and acting like spoiled brats. I understand you might want a new phone but is it really nessesary to fight, give away money, and wait in hours of lines in order to get it? Can you kot wait about a week to get your stupid phone? It is ridiculous the way people in our society are about needing all of this stuff.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Korea is building the worlds first "invisible tower" to show off Koreans technology. The view on each side of the building will be the same as the background. To make it work, there will be seamless rows of LED screens across the building. The screens invisibility level will be adjustable. They want to use the building for leasure purposes.

I feel like this could be a very bad idea. I mean sure, it would so cool to have an invisible building. Who wouldn't love to see it? Yet this could go very badly. I can see a plane crashing into this, birds flying straight into it and dying, etc. It is a cool idea but it doesn't seem practical.


I read an article about animal protection for endangered species. The article states that as humans we tend to care more about the beauty of the animal and care less about the ugly animals. There is now an Ugly Animal Preservation Society that works to protect ugly animals. The journalist noted that we need to realize the ugly animals are just as important to the environment as pretty animals. 

I found this entire subject bluntly stupid. The fact that there is such a thing as a society formed to protect ugly animals shows a lot about how dumb we really are. If an animal is endangered it should be listed as such. The animals should just be protected like the rest of the endangered groups. If we are so judgmental that we look at an animal and say it's too ugly we had a messed up generation.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


In Iowa it's now legal for the blind to own guns. One man argued it was not about pride it was about freedom. He went to court and argued he should be able to keep his guns and won. It's against the rights of the blind to not allow them to bear arms. Stevie wonder had even said it would be crazy if he had a gun.

In my opinion, I believe it is good that the blind have the right now. But I feel like it could be a fatal choice. Someone could be killed by accident if they weren't sure what they were doing. I feel like to use a gun you should have to be able to see. Even if it is against their right to bear arms they could end up causing a disaster.